
编辑: 心碎 发布时间:2023-06-30 17:43:39

Title: "Bare Face"

In the mirror, I see

A reflection of me

Without makeup, without the mask

All my flaws, exposed at last

My skin, a canvas of imperfection

But in this moment, there is a connection

With my true self, raw and unfiltered

No longer hiding, but empowered and unencumbered

For so long, I've worn a façade

Hiding my insecurities, feeling flawed

But now, I embrace my bare face

And in doing so, I find grace

For beauty is not only skin deep

But a confidence that we keep

In our hearts, in our souls

A beauty that never grows old

So, here's to the bare face

And a confidence that can't be erased

For in our imperfections, we find perfection

And that, my dear, is our greatest reflection.